• CFD,  OpenFOAM

    Euler-Euler gas-solid flow solver for OpenFOAM

    I have finally completed the implementation and the testing phases of a two-fluid code for the simulation of gas particle flows based on OpenFOAMĀ®. The code is derived from the existing twoPhaseEulerFoam, with significant differences in the solution algorithm in order to stabilize it, and with the addition of a variety of models. This is the evolution of the twoPhaseEulerPimpleFoam code discussed previously here and here. I decided to change name to the code, and call it fluidParticleTwoPhase4Foam, since the implementation has become more and more specific for particulate flows, and future developments will move further in this direction. A summary of the improvements is reported below: Solution algorithm Adoption…

  • General

    Great service Netsons!

    This blog is hosted on a professional hosting service (Linux-based, of course šŸ˜‰ ) offered by Netsons, an Italian hosting provider which operates in Italy and Europe. I would like to thank them for the highly professional and extremely fast service they offer. Recently my account had a minor glitch with the database server. Netsons staff fixed it in minutes, after I reported the problem, and their personnel was very professional and friendly. Good job Netsons!

  • CFD,  OpenFOAM

    Some update on twoPhaseEulerPimpleFoam

    The development of twoPhaseEulerPimpleFoam proceeds well, and a good number of milestones, including Implementation of the conservative form of the momentum equation Implementation of the partial elimination algorithm Stabilization of the algorithm in the dense limit Boundary conditions for the particle phase Electrostatic model have been completed, and are under testing (they are not released yet to the public). Further information is available on the Extend project (You need an account to see this page). At the moment the only released development is represented by the implementation of the Johnson and Jackson boundary conditions, developed by Juho Peltola and me. They are available in my git repository. These boundary conditions…

  • CFD,  OpenFOAM

    Incompressible dynamic Smagorinsky model for OpenFOAM

    OpenFOAMĀ® 1.7.x (and previous versions) provides a wide range of LES SGS models, however the implementation of the models based on the dynamic procedure, originally proposed by Germano, is not suitable for flows in arbitrary geometries, since the coefficient, determined dynamically, is averaged over the whole computational domain. I implemented a modified version of the dynamic model, based on the work of Lilly (1992), and I made it available through my git repository for those interested. Please, refer to the README file for instructions. This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, the producer of the OpenFOAM software and owner of the OPENFOAMĀ® Ā and OpenCFDĀ® Ā trade marks.

  • General

    Are you a Linux desktop user?

    DudaLibre.com is trying to establish if the Linux desktop users are more than 1% of the total desktop users. If you are a Linux desktop user, you can report it there, specifying your distribution.

  • General

    Let’s help Bryen replace his equipment!

    A friend, and openSUSE board member, Bryen, also known as suseROCKs on the openSUSE network, has been robbed of his 17” laptop, an Amazon Kindle, 1 TB external hard drive, and his camera and lenses while traveling in Spain. These tools are very important to him, since he is almost blind and deaf, and he needs them to be able to perform activities we give for granted. Stephen Shaw from Novell/openSUSE organized a fund raiser to be able to help our friend at least a bit. If you can, donate here. Thanks šŸ˜€ Update: As you can notice from the counter above, donations exceeded the established goal! Bryen decided to…

  • CFD,  OpenFOAM


    I have been working for some time on the development of an improved version of the Euler-Euler two-fluid solver in OpenFOAMĀ®, in order to improve its stability when a dense granular phases is present. An initial version of the solver, derived from twoPhaseEulerFoam, with the following modifications Adoption of the PIMPLE (PISO/SIMPLE) algorithm instead than PISO, to allow equation under-relaxation and ensure the convergence of all the equations at each time-step Solution of the momentum predictor, accounting for the strongly varying terms using flux-reconstruction is available on github. You can download it by typing git clone git://github.com/AlbertoPa/twoPhaseEulerPimpleFoam.git and keep it up to date typing git pull in a terminal opened…

  • General,  Linux

    Sintel is out

    The Blender foundation, which develops the well known Blender software for modeling, animation, and 3D graphics, announced the availability of Sintel, a new movie realized with their software. Definitely worth a look (it is also on YouTube). If you enjoy the movie, you might want to consider buying the DVD, to support the Blender Foundation.

  • CFD,  Linux,  OpenFOAM,  openSUSE

    GeekoCFD released

    The first version of GeekoCFD can be downloaded from SUSE Studio Gallery. This brings all the features listed in my previous announcement, plus a few fixed to the installation system of the live-DVD, an updated kernel and Java virtual machine, and a few other minor fixes listed in the changelog. I am waiting to know if the distribution can be freely released without modifications, or if I have to remove the openSUSE branding to be able to do that. The SUSE Studio and openSUSE team should answer soon. In the meanwhile, you must have a SUSE Studio account to access to the images. I have a few (8) invitations left,…