
openSUSE 11.0 Italian translations

The first openSUSE translation round started on April 1st, and as always since Novell opened the translation process, it involves a lot of openSUSE users and volunteers that provide high quality translations of the 179491 strings required to localise openSUSE, and make openSUSE accessible to more people.

Since the beginning of open translation at Novell, the number of languages added to the distribution grew significantly, including many minor ones, as it can be seen from the list of translation teams which reports 57 teams for the development versions of openSUSE,

This year a new and powerful instrument to manage translation, POAT, was added thanks to Gabriel, who developed it and is making translation work a lot easier.

As for openSUSE 10.3, I will coordinate the Italian translation team, which is now bigger and is already working on the development version of openSUSE 11.0.

The final translation round, excluding release notes, will end on April 30th, and the testing period will start on May 2nd and it will finish on May 29th. All openSUSE users are invited to carefully test translations during this period or before, and to report bugs using Novell Bugzilla. Please, do not directly e-mail about translation bugs to me.

Thanks in advance to everyone will help in making translations perfect! 😀