
Some more pics from Ames…

Last weekend it was a nice one in Ames, not too cold but still with the snow, so I took some picture of the city and of ISU.

Enjoy 🙂


  • Alberto

    No, non sempre. Molto spesso d’inverno, ma ci sono cambiamenti rapidissimi. Oggi ad esempio era una giornata primaverile, molto piacevole 🙂

    Ho fatto le foto versione invernale, proprio perché mi dicono tutti che tra poche settimane si noterà la differenza.


  • Daniele

    Hello Alberto,

    glad to hear you are doing all right (I am writing in English for the benefit of your english-speaking friends).

    I did not know you had a second life on your blog! It means you have too much spare time… I’ll have to talk to Rodney!

    I enjoyed your pics of Ames. They reminded me of very similar pics I took a few years ago. Same european perspective…

    Anyway, I am these days in London until the end of the month for my collaboration with Paola Lettieri. I’ll come back in the summer and hopefully soon we will publish something.

    By the way, are you planning to come the CFD conference in Canada in June?

