I am pleased to announce the release of GeekoCFD 6.0.1, based on the new openSUSE 13.1. You can download it directly from the SUSE Gallery page.
GeekoCFD 6.0.1 brings the following updates:
- CFD and C++ development applications
- OpenFOAM 2.2.x, with x > 2. The repository release of OpenFOAM includes the latest updates and bug fixes made to OpenFOAM by its developers.
- gmsh 2.8.3, the latest version of the gmsh mesh generation tool.
- Eclipse Kepler SR1 with CDT
- Base openSUSE system
- Linux kernel 3.11.
- glibc 2.18.
- gcc 4.8.
- YaST 3.0, rewritten in Ruby.
- KDE 4.11.
- Qt 5.1.1 and 4.8.5.
- LibreOffice 4.1.
- Dropped packages
- Helyx OS: the package has been split into a core component (kernel) and the GUI. The kernel component requires root access to operate. For this reason it has been dropped until further consideration.
- QtOctave: the RPM is not available for openSUSE 13.1.
The openSUSE 13.1 release comes with Evergreen extended support, which will prolong its life after the standard end-of-life period of 18 months. GeekoCFD strictly follows the regular openSUSE release cycle, however users interested in a longer life cycle of their distribution can rely on the Evergreen project, which will start supporting openSUSE 13.1 at the end of its officially supported life-cycle in May 2015, and will continue supporting it until November 2016.
Finally some statistics: GeekoCFD has been downloaded a total of 4446 times and cloned 151 times at the time this announcement was written. Thank you for your support, and for your precious feedback.
P.S. The comment page on SUSE Studio has some spam. The SUSE Studio team is working on a permanent solution. Please, be patient while this problem is being addressed! The SUSE Studio developers are great, and they provide all the infrastructure at no cost too. Thanks!
Enjoy 🙂
This offering is not approved or endorsed by OpenCFD Limited, the producer of the OpenFOAM software and owner of the OPENFOAM® and OpenCFD® trade marks. Alberto Passalacqua is not associated to OpenCFD Ltd.
Hi Alberto I get the following error when I try to run a parallel case with openFOAM in parallel in your geekoCFD 5.0.1
Open RTE was unable to open the hostfile:
Check to make sure the path and filename are correct.
[linux.site:07554] [[34444,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file base/ras_base_allocate.c at line 200
[linux.site:07554] [[34444,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file base/plm_base_launch_support.c at line 99
[linux.site:07554] [[34444,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file plm_rsh_module.c at line 1167
I know that this version is no longer supported, but can you help me anyway?
Thanks a lot
Hi Michele,
usually this error happens when MPI wasn’t compiled properly or it is not set up properly. You may check if the MPI setup for your user is correct with the command mpi-selector-menu, and see if both your user and the system have the same version of openmpi selected. If not, mpi-selector-menu lets you change this setting. Note that you must logout and login again to see the effect of any changes you make.
Other question: did you re-compile OpenFOAM on this installation of GeekoCFD? Knowing this would help me to debug.
thanks for the answer, anyway you were right: user and system configuration were different (user no specified openn-mpi), but I still got the problem.
Do I have to recompile the openmpi?
Updating to new OF version 2.3.0 could fix the problem?
No I didn’t recompile OF, only additional installation I performed have been Salome 7.2, setDiscreteFields, Swak4Foam, Dakota 5.3.1, FreeCad, maybe it could be of help.
PS: obviously i set user and system same version
Try to create this symbolic link. It used to be required:
ln -s /etc /usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi/